Thursday, January 15, 2015

Good Financial Management to Achieve Happiness

By: Marwa Haddar

(Tunisian Student of Master Program of Milk Technology Faculty, Ankara University)

   What would you do differently if you had enough money? (  Travel/ Dance/ more volenteers / quit job (or school)...)  Then the next logical question is 'How will I have enough?

It's time to start asking the tough questions because it's very likely that you are not living the life you desire. You are depriving yourself of real happiness because you think you need more. More money and more stuff. 

If you know what you would do if you thought you had enough hen the next logical question is 'How will I have enough? 

And here some ways to have enough money and stuff:
1. Redefine enough: your current definition of enough may be more than you think...
2.Learn how to say no: You may have to turn freinds down for a dinner...
3.Put people befor stuff
4. put moments before stuff
5.Stop trying to measure up : someone will always make always more than you so stop comparaision 
6.Don't stock up : Don't be fooled by the cashier that tell you 'you just saved 22 TL' when you just spent 200 TL.
7. Write it down: You might be too busy and stressed think about what you really want out of life. write down and read it every day.
8.realize you are enough : If you could be happy with you. you could stop overeating , overspending, and over indulging. Once you know you are enough you can realize that you have enough.  
9. Identify your source of hapiness...

I have recently read on one of my favorite blogs that 'very little is needed ti make life happy' Do you think that's true?!


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